A Word For My Sons
When two people decide to walk side by side,
There are many things they both must abide,
There are many things on which they must agree
To stay together and to still feel free.
Sometimes the best they can do
Is find out what’s true,
What really feels like the best thing to do,
What really feels like the best way to be,
And then agree to disagree.
Whatever happens from this point on,
You must never ever forget:
When mummy and daddy met, they kissed.
When mummy and daddy kissed, they met.
It was kismet.
kismet /ˈkɪzmɪt, -mɛt, ˈkɪs-/ [kiz-met]
fate; destiny; the will of Allah.
Also, kis⋅mat /ˈkɪzmət, ˈkɪs-/ [kiz-muht, kis-]
Origin: 1840–50; < Turk < Pers qismat < Ar qismah division, portion, lot, fate, akin to qasama to divide
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.