There are days when nothing feels right I see the sun but I can’t see the light it must be the transiting alignment of stars that provokes the itching of […]
In my bedroom The sharp edges of shadows Slice the world into jagged fragments In the light in the darkness, as Splinters of thought glimmer and fuse Glimmer and fuse […]
My soul is dark – Oh! quickly string The harp I yet can brook to hear; And let thy gentle fingers fling Its melting murmurs o’er mine ear. If in […]
Lady Luck may like some more than others, and obviously one can’t be held responsible for one’s good fortune or the lack of it. However, those who are miserable are […]
Thoughts are the traces of freedom we all dream of, but experience only fleetingly. Everything else is just a routine of our daily dynamics. I want to think positive thoughts, […]
the wind folds branches of trees traffic lights change cars stop people walk i watch through the window erupting with rain drops yet like a silent movie from stillness, from quiet of […]