By our best enemies we do not want to be spared, nor by those either whom we love from the very heart. So let me tell you the truth! My […]
Erich Fromm‘s books “The Art of Loving” and “The Fear of Freedom” shaped my views a great deal when I was just a teenager. Here are some of my favorite […]
“Here we come up against the great question that lies behind all these considerations. . . . . Instead of producing something common to all that we call language, I […]
(c. 412- c. 323 B.C) was a very playful philosopher who liked to use great wit when challenging the values and beliefs of his fellow citizens in ancient Athens. He […]
Seven blunders of the world, according to Mahatma Gandhi, are: 1. Wealth without work 2. Pleasure without conscience 3. Knowledge without character 4. Commerce without morality 5. Science without humanity […]
“How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. […]
The word of the day is NIHILISM, as defined by “total and absolute destructiveness, especially toward the world at large and including oneself.” A common, but misleading, description of […]