How do you get over something like that? I don’t know if you ever do. You just learn to deal with it. You split yourself in two. There is one […]
There seems to be a strong connection between one’s luck and his sense of direction. In other words, there must be something that pulls your strings, something that happiness brings. […]
Imagine waking up one day to find the world has turned upside down in every possible way… What was right has become left, what was abundant is now bereft and […]
If you are a giver, don’t let anyone tell you that you should think twice before you give or that you should ration your heart’s desire and watch out who […]
Alice in Wonder-Fucking-Land “You are quite a pleasant surprise. You make a good doobie”, said the Mad Bunny as he took another drag of Alice’s giant joint. She shrugged her shoulders […]
Stepping out I look about – It’s crazy, to see in full color on such a gloomy day… I’m used to seeing the world around me in fifty shades of […]
The first things that come to mind when I think of innocence are boldness and lack of experience. The lack of experience believe it or not can be the greatest […]
Discarded and forgotten like pieces of junk left on the beach at day’s end to slowly deteriorate in the sand. Nothing to do but wait for time to obliterate what […]
He’d take one look at me and see the birth of wrath, walk through the mirror and into my heart He would deliver my tears, and after – he’d convert […]
Some people in life hold the key to understanding you and me. Like Bruce Lee. Why anyone would not like Bruce Lee I cannot comprehend so if you don’t like […]
This three headed dragon I am trying to behead is spitting out at me scorching flames of red. Red is the color I dread. For one, There is no going […]
Where are you now you poets you rebels you punks you sorry ass drunks you hippies you loners you inert stoners Where are you now you sweet-talking users promisciouos djs […]
In my twenties (was that really so long ago?) I knew the words of every song that played on the radio. I had my heroes I was an avid reader, […]
There are days when nothing feels right I see the sun but I can’t see the light it must be the transiting alignment of stars that provokes the itching of […]
Making way across the sky clouds are engaged in proving that the earth is moving. But more than that, each cloud knows in its heart that every end is a […]
I am like an elephant, I have a long memory for things that tear me apart like a fighter in a ring round after round fight after fight night after […]
Some things are just impossible, you say planting a kiss on my hair. Why do I get a feeling that you’re thinking of us? If you are, don’t think that, […]
My mom says that I’ve got hobbit feet Soon enough these feet will hit the street Soon enough these feet will walk a mile Carrying me with a lot of […]
I wonder about you but dare not decide on what kind of ride this is or isn’t. Still, in the back of my mind there’s a buzz and throughout the […]
The leaves have fallen The time has passed The crow has landed without a blast. It has the urge the words to say the secret it’s guarding to give away […]
I had wet dreams all night long, turning and tossing in my bed, in worship my mouth raved on your body, drawing out patches of red. I heard myself cry […]
I have a few questions A few things I’d like to know… What is it that pulls us this or that way, to and fro? How do we know which […]
When people like me run into people like you it’s an opposites attraction, and there isn’t much one can do Just watch the sparks fly while they fly between you […]
When a light goes out it invites misgiving and uncertainty – the whole world becomes darker for a moment for an eternity And suddenly here feels like a foreign land […]
The worst thing you can do when faced with a beast is act like a deer. Look at him straight in the eyes show him no fear. Hold his gaze, […]
Thousands of warriors celebrate life, and die as the Wall turns into a Well trying to quench its own thirst trying to draw a parting of the lips called a […]
I am me, that’s what I’ll always be although I may not always stay as you see me today. You see, this me transforms it tends to change shapes and […]
I bet you don’t know how much food two little boys can devour in less than an hour. And keep on asking for more, hour after hour, until the fridge […]
Inside of me there is a place where fireflies their destiny face Memories of childhood long carefree days playing hide and seek in cobble maze Climbing tree tops and flying […]
My memory resembles a finely crafted needlepoint lace hole after hole, a pattern appears that i somehow fail to retrace. So many faces, places lost in the labyrinth of my […]
There is nothing quite like swimmingin that short intervaljust before the day breathes out its last breath. The sun bleeds out,leaving a smudged stain across the sky meeting its deathThe wind is quietthe sea is […]
You’ve given me a difficult task, to write about my body. Not sure if I can find much inspiration, if it’s any consolation, it’s not my body that’s at fault […]
We will leave here without memories To tender tremor of morning husk To sadness and moonlight in the woods To some lonely place at dusk I will leave here without […]
I am not really a player, just someone who’s come to know that if you take yourself seriously life quickly turns to a foe. I do what I can to […]
I thought I heard somebody call my name though i couldn’t see the man, only a hand written invitation – I almost mistook it for a citation. I must have imagined. […]
There was a time when I used to wear my heart on my hair. To be more exact, on a hairpin pinned to my hair, but that was a long […]
I imagine you’d know how to touch me, and where, you would look into my eyes and see the moon there locked inside each other, we remain for a while You […]
When I was little, the gypsies stole me. They carried me out in the dead of the night, and let me watch from the elephant’s back as my home disappeared […]
The night is dark and with clouds obscuring the stars there isn’t much to see. A sea like any other sea, For the love of the Moon it is ready […]
The man who knows that all words were already said by someone before, that there is nothing new under the sun, thinks I am the one who can take him […]
I watch the tall man outside under a giant umbrella as he watches… something. Drop by drop, pop by pop, my window gets infected with the blisters of rain. One […]
William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) • A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. • Every harlot was a virgin once. • […]
I would like you to be my last poem Of all the words I have I am speaking only one Unspoken word It could be the oath Or the most […]
The luminous evanescence of love Reminiscent of the fragrance of a rose As potent as impotent am I Just one breath to overdose Inhale it deeply let it percolate I […]
In silence I listen to the sound of your sleep A few stolen moments that I get to keep I watch your body sway in rhythmic motion Serene and distant, […]
(an experiment in pretentiousness) The day is dying Yet his joie de vivre is self-inciting Inadvertent and insular As impervious to my languor as it is inalienable. A memento of […]
After being glued to my computer like a geek, I changed shifts and switched to party mode last week. I met interesting people and what’s more, they got to meet […]
I am the girl who will take time To write this ad into a rhyme, A crazy perfectionist known to dwell If a job is worth doing it’s worth doing […]
THINGS MY SON SHOULD KNOW AFTER I’VE DIED I was young once. I dug holes near a canal and almost drowned. I filled notebooks with words as carefully as a […]
In my bedroom The sharp edges of shadows Slice the world into jagged fragments In the light in the darkness, as Splinters of thought glimmer and fuse Glimmer and fuse […]
As taught by the wizard I denounced my stars and guides And left them behind As taught by the wizard I picked up the scattered pieces And put them together […]
In the kingdom of fire-spitting dragons Five headed monsters And other blown up villains Guarding the walls of the air fortress One blonde knight is screaming joyfully Not a single […]
It all starts from afar It all starts from within Fueling dissipated life To induce a little sin Devious mind is yours to abide The descent of heart is all […]
The twisting of knife Left stabbed in my chest To keep the wound raw There can be no rest I do the work myself You merely help With words so […]
Loose the metrics The form don’t matter Dive into the void With arms open wide Initiate the mystery Take this sleeping angel for a ride Show her the power Of […]
My name drops off your lips like honey To be with me, time is not an issue or money, You proffer your heart on the palm of your hand Pledging […]
Your words Dance in the shadow of my heart Like tiny particles of light Glimmering, fading, vanishing, Flawless in their translucence, Scattering, flimsy, weightless, Sparse, and lacking in puissance. Your […]
I am not Earth, you cannot mold me I am not Water, you cannot pour me I am not Fire, you can’t ignite me I am nothing but Air so […]
“The weakest of all weak things is a virtue which has not been tested in the fire.” – Mark Twain Initiated by Fire Burned by desire Baptized by Fire To […]
Clouds are scattered across blue sky hanging low, Beneath them savannah’s drying and nomad tribes are on the go. Beneath them babies are crying for mother’s milk; it doesn’t flow. […]
OVAN Svestan svoga postojanja i podređen samo sebi, bez iskustva i bez straha okrenuo se meni: “Došao sam da te probudim da tvoje telo pokrenem ritmom, da tvoje oči obojim […]
Telling from my point of view, this is a story that is true. You might add a thing or two, just be sure to leave a clue of what we […]
RIBE Došla sam da ti se predam i u tvojoj boli saosetim sebe. Udahnuću ti vetar vere u grudi, i proživeću sve opet, kroz tebe. Koliko posto mene si ti? […]
VODOLIJA Htela sam da mu pokažem buba-maru na mom rukavu. Umesto toga, okrenula sam se ka tom čoveku-vizionaru. Rekao je: “Ja znam šta je more kosmičke ljubavi. To nije kap.” […]
JARAC Mudrost ume nekad biti ljubav, a i ljubav ume biti mudrost. On se igra ironijom postojanja – misao o pripadanju pružiće sigurnost. Za nesebičnu ljubav, on tek se sprema… […]
STRELAC Poćiću svim onim putevima kojima diše sloboda. Oprosti, ljubavi, u svojoj potrazi za pravdom ja odan sam samo istini. SAGITTARIUS I walk the roads that breathe with freedom, still […]
ŠKORPIJA Dugo je tražio prave reči, ali se prave reči ne daju. da se preda 100% neće – samo se kukavice predaju. Ljubav se porađa u trenucima strasti u njoj […]
VAGA U potrazi za srećom, Uravnoteženost je pobegla iz kraljevstva Emocije. Kako sad pomiriti osećanja i pronaći sklad? Harmonija je, ipak, drugo ime za ljubav. LIBRA In pursuit of happiness, […]
DEVICA Raskošan buket svojih snova doneo je njoj na dar. Svaki pupoljak je proučila pronalazeći u njemu čar. Iz oka joj kanu ljubav čista kao suza – može da ispuni […]
LAV U carstvu u kome je ljubav oduvek bila ekstaza, taj vladar je vladao sam. Ne stajte mu na muku! Naprosto, nije mogao da klekne pred ženu i ponizno zatraži […]
OVAN Svestan svoga postojanja i podređen samo sebi, bez iskustva i bez straha okrenuo se meni: “Došao sam da te probudim da tvoje telo pokrenem ritmom, da tvoje oči obojim […]