It has become fashionable, and it is nothing more than a fashion, to believe that the universe is dumb, stupid. That intelligence, values, love and fine feelings reside only within the […]
I’ve always equated romantic love with inspiration and creativity that come from interacting with another. Which is why all I ever wanted in a romantic relationship was to inspire each […]
Felice Leonardo “Leo” Buscaglia Ph.D. (31 March 1924 – 12 June 1998), also known as “Dr Love,” was an author, motivational speaker, and a professor of Special Education. Buscaglia worked […]
When most people think of twins, they think of likeness, sameness and sharing. The word itself connotates images of similarities between siblings. Yet, for the Twins of Gemini, this symbolic […]
How I miss the time when I didn’t have a clue who the man I loved was, the time when I’d think of him, and feel only endless, boundless love. […]
Arthur C. Clark died today at the age of 90, in Sri Lanka which has been his home since 1950’s. A great visionary and a science fiction author who planted […]