“We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.” (Carl Gustav Jung)
I have always been spiritual, but as much as it was easy for me to explore and accept certain values, it was difficult to find a way to faith. If God had given us the ability to think for ourselves, why would He want us to disregard it by turning to faith? All around me I could see people blessed with the ability to easily do just that, and I wished it were as easy for me. I needed to understand in order to be able to believe.
In search of this understanding, I’d first come upon the Nordic Runes. They never cease to amaze me with their profound insight that’s always right on the spot. Compared to the simplicity of the Runes, astrology is a multi-dimensional science. To understand it, you only need an open mind, with the desire to learn mythical stories about the ancient Gods, and perceive their virtues and faults as the symbology behind the astrological planets. The idea is so simple that it may even sound ridiculous, but I’ve checked it, and found it works. However, this brings to my mind another question: where did this knowledge come from? It’s inconceivable to think that the ancient peoples had just thought of a way to assign all these different values to different planets. Even if it was them who did it, how the hell did they do it??? By observing the sky? By noting down various influences certain star configurations had on human behavior? But whom did they watch? And how did they know what to look for? I mean, the whole idea is so far-fetched that I am left speechless.
The more astrology I learned, the more I appreciated it. It was like I had always recognized certain things, but by learning the language of astrology, I was beginning to name them. I was learning the language of life. Jealousy, pride, suspicion, egoism, cruelty… I understood that those are just various manifestations of interplanetary exchange we need to overcome in order to grow. It’s not easy, but there are no other options. And one good way of dealing with this is confronting it head on. In reality, we have only one choice: either we make things happen, or we let things happen to us. Either way, we’ll eventually have to get to where we’re going, but it’s the journey that counts. The knowledge of astrology has given me the understanding of life cycles, and the power to comprehend that change is the eternal law of the universe. It offers a variety of symbols and endless combinations, which make for a perfect mental game I could play forever.
Natal chart is much like a photograph of the sky at the exact moment of one’s birth. Astrology is a science because nothing is left to clairvoyance, and it is an art because its accuracy depends solely on its interpretation. And interpretation is the tricky part.
If you go to an astrologer and give him a chronological account of all crucial events in your life, he should be able to look into your chart and see exactly which planetary energies had revealed themselves through each of these major events. A wise astrologer will hint at possibilities, but would never attempt to suggest a specific event because he knows that planetary energies choose to manifest themselves in many different ways. I’m not saying that specific events cannot be foreseen; only that the guesswork is mostly done by the individuals with ego problems who need to impress you. (Beware of those!) I find that astrology gives best results when applied in retroactive study of our life. Although not as exciting as predicting the future, retroactive readings help one gain a better understanding of oneself and make wiser choices for the future. And, the future is Machiavellian in its very nature. Although it is sometimes easily foreseeable, at other times, it can be quite surprising. The manner in which the planets reveal their energy in one’s life depends first and foremost on the level of his consciousness. For sure there is destiny, but its form is constantly changing because it relies on free will. This may sound paradoxical, but nevertheless it is true. The power of free will is a decisive factor in the creation of one’s destiny. Once we understand that a natal chart is merely a picture of one’s character, we can easily see that one’s character is – his destiny. From this, we can conclude that if one can change his character, he can also change his destiny.
The Ascendent: Your Karmic Doorway by Martin Schulman
The Gods of Change: Pain, Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto by Howard Sasportas
Relationships and Life Cycles: Astrological Patterns of Personal Experience by Stephen Arroyo
Parkers’ Astrology by Derek and Julia Parker
One thought on “Astrae Signum”
Thanks for sharing this, nice food for thought.