Time is an illusion
If I can remember the future
Than I can sure forget the past
Out of focus
When tears inhabit eyes
The vision is blurry
And the whole world
Out of focus
If you can’t see well where you are going
How do you expect to get there?
Wipe those tears
Wash your face
Take another look around
The sun is up
The day is clear
The air is fresh with summer breeze
Stop talking about authentic
And be it
The life is full of promise
Forget the one that wasn’t kept
Life is too short to hold onto
The rotting carcass of love imagined
Turn around
The real love is waiting
Life is full of promise
Bring it into focus
Move on
One thought on “Back Into Focus”
I really like the way this piece flows. Each stanza slightly alters the tone, but without being jagged or unattached to the rest of the piece. Very nice poem.