I’ve seen the blackness of the dark
That makes the night
I’ve seen the power of the spark
That brings the light
And it cannot be denied,
What has lived and what has died,
What is deep and what is wide,
It is all buried inside.
What lies hidden from the view
In the dark is meant to be
And that’s no place for sunshine
And that’s not a place for me
Someone soon is bound to see
this light that shines out of me
and when they do, they will incline
To think that I am their sunshine.
They will want to shout
From rooftops my name
Without shame
They will want the world to know
That it’s not the same
(Cause it really wouldn’t be the same.)
They would not need to decide
What to hide, when to misguide
How best their life to divide
Nothing said, but all implied.
I’ve been the blackness of the dark
That makes the night
I’ve been the power of the spark
That brings the light
And it cannot be denied,
What has lived and what has died,
What is deep and what is wide,
It is all buried inside.
What lies hidden from the view
In the dark is meant to be
And that’s no place for sunshine
And that’s not a place for me.