On oseća…
i oseća…
toliko da ponekad boli.Slab je, i u strahu
da nijedan stranac
neće znati takvog
da ga voli.Oko njega oseka vere
i plima osećanja,
u njemu neponuđena nežnost i voda.Zatvorio se u svoju tvrđavu i ne zna
da je ljubav pre svega sloboda. -
Cancer feels so deeply
that at times it hurts.
For every step forward,
he makes three steps back,
mindful of alerts.Alone and alienated
keeping track of all that’s his,
he fears that no one would ever
love him for what he is.Surrounded by a rise of feeling
and a tide of faith
Cancer keeps to himself,
hiding somewhere in his kingdom.
It’s because he does not know
that love is all about freedom.
Rak / Cancer