I once knew an Alice, she was a real doll,
stunningly beautiful, magnetic, grand…
Wherever she went, whatever she did,
she had men eating out of her hand.
Yet for some fucked up reason that defies logic,
more often than not, this Alice was sad.
She felt misunderstood, alone, and above all –
deeply unloved by her man.
And it’s not as if he didn’t love her;
he just didn’t love her enough.
She tested him, pushed all the right buttons
and he finally called her bluff.
But when the said affair was over
surprisingly, Alice suddenly saw
that the little she’d had was actually more
than anything she could have hoped for.
It seems to me
that no matter how much we have,
no matter how rare and how pure,
we keep on waiting for something
even better to occur.
Once miserable people lose what they have
their perspective changes abruptly.
And for the first time,
through tears, and in a blur,
they clearly see just how happy
they were.
Alice herself told me this that now to you I concede:
The little you have may be more than you will ever need.
So take a long, hard look at your shit –
It’s about time you start to appreciate it.
Photograph from the series Mad Bunny by Yves Lecoq