In my bedroom
The sharp edges of shadows
Slice the world into jagged fragments
In the light in the darkness, as
Splinters of thought glimmer and fuse
Glimmer and fuse
From the corner of my eye
A novel perspective elopes
To defend me in vain
From stalking obscurities
That settle in thick pools of my eyes
Like coagulating blood
The walls are closing in
A big steel trap snapping shut in slow motion
Confining me to myself
To my very own inferno
Where, like pets that had been left alone,
My demons wait
To show how much they missed me
Too tired now to be inventive
I resign with passive indifference
That puts steering wheel on automatic mode
And all is well again
The secret is in imperviousness
Of blessed ignorance
It grants immunity
Days become months
Months become years
Years become decades
And only the aging stamp of time bears witness
To the merit, to the inevitability of sacrifice
The scarring of a vestal virgin, the scarring
It must have been preordained
The waking reaches into perpetuity
Agonizing and unbearable
Like the morning after a drunken night
Healing comes after capitulation
So I cut my balls off and eat them
And turn a new page
Not much to it
Castration brings on a sad kind of liberation
But liberation nonetheless
Freedom is always good
Freedom is always handy
I don’t know if the river runs into the sky
Or if the sky runs into the river
But I know they run together
The blue the deep the wide
The free
Photo manipulation by Caras Ionut
2 thoughts on “A New Page”
Very touching piece of poetry.
I was checkng continuously your bog and I’m impressed! Great poetry, prose, great music selection… Thank you for sharing and keep those posts coming!