Release. Let go. Trust. Set sail. Set sail. One thing becomes another in the Mother in the Mother. Ripen the black moonstone soul gem polished in the Underworld to a […]
5 posts
FIRE In alchemy, the chemical element of sulfur was often associated with Fire and its alchemical symbol and its symbol was an upward-pointing triangle. In alchemic tradition, metals are incubated […]
PAST – WUNJO – JOY, LIGHT This rune is a branch full of fruits, an alchemical moment that had to have happened. With joy comes a new energy; energy that […]
THE RUNES Runes are the sacred symbols of the Teutonic tribes, and in the past, a whole system of philosophy and magic was based on them. Runes were used in […]
OVAN Svestan svoga postojanja i podređen samo sebi, bez iskustva i bez straha okrenuo se meni: “Došao sam da te probudim da tvoje telo pokrenem ritmom, da tvoje oči obojim […]