Svestan svoga postojanja
i podređen samo sebi,
bez iskustva i bez straha
okrenuo se meni:“Došao sam da te probudim
da tvoje telo pokrenem ritmom,
da tvoje oči obojim vetrom,
da tvoju dušu ispunim vatrom!Nemoj da te je strah
od izmišljenih peščanih dina!”On dobro zna da ljubav
na kraju kao i na početku,
ostaje nevina.On samo ne zna šta je to
p o v e r e n j e. -
Utterly aware of his existence
demanding that his needs be met
Without experience and without fear
Aries’ objectives are clearly set:“I’ve come to awake you from deep sleep
to move your body with desire,
to color your eyes with the wind,
to fill your soul with fire!Let’s ban procrastination,
let’s forbid indolence!”Aries knows that love,
in birth as in death,
breathes innocence.He just can’t fathom the concept of
t r u s t.
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