My mom says that I’ve got hobbit feet
Soon enough these feet will hit the street
Soon enough these feet will walk a mile
Carrying me with a lot of style.
Hobbit feet, hobbit feet,
Take me to where I will meet
Someone who is just as sweet
As my hobbit feet.
Time sure flies when you’ve got hobbit feet
And with time it’s silly to compete
Time is tricky, or so I’ve been told
I may grow up but I won’t get old.
Hobbit feet, hobbit feet,
Take me to where I will meet
Someone who is just as sweet
As my hobbit feet.
Warm and soft and utterly petite
Hobbit feet are sweet enough to eat
If only they would always stay that small
but life goes, it’s impossible to stall.
Hobbit feet, hobbit feet,
Take me to where I will meet
Someone who is just as sweet
As my hobbit feet.
Photography by Dariusz Klimczak