Poetic Exploration of the Heart

Telling From My Point of View

Telling From My Point of View


When again they met
it was a shock to all –
they could only
let it roll!

It was all too much
for them to bear,
recognizing each other
they could only stare.

There are times when
words are too plain,
there are times when
kisses bring pain,
there are times when
words, kisses or touch
would hurt too much.

Is it fair
that such a pair
could not bear
(or did not dare?)
to do nothing but stare
to show they care?


You are not saying
that after all that bust
there was no lust?
After all that chase
no warm embrace?
Was there time to steal?
What did they feel?

As far as he goes
we can only guess –
he was a mess!
He didn’t want to offend,
she was a friend.
He knew in his heart
that she was all right.

He didn’t want to be unkind,
but he had other things on mind –
his girl had left him
and that had wrecked him.

Did he not know
that it would show?
Did he not fake
for her sake?
Why add more?
-She knew the score!

And what to say
about all the play
she does with boys?
– they are her toys!

It’s only fair
that she should bear
that lonesome fate –
him as her date!

But looking at him she knew
that he must have a clue
about all the ties
that hold their eyes.
Through music and rhyme,
through distance and time,
they will be fine!

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